Saturday, 18 May 2013

WEEK 7 - Full Steam Ahead

We are all working towards the completion of our projects or project plans (like me) which are due to be read by our peers next week! My partner in the peer reading process is Julio. I have started my webquest.

This week we discussed about Learner Autonomy and One-computer classroom! We had a lot of reading to do, which helps us exchange ideas and experiences. I liked the following table as it clearly indicates the behavior and the characteristics of autonomous learning!

I'm also including the following slide from this webpage, I find really true.

We also worked with PADLET/WALLWISHER, a powerful, intriguing tool which works as a Wall or real-time wiki. People can post pictures, thoughts, videos, presentations, share ideas and create something together!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,

    I like the table 'Levels of Autonomous Learning' too. It has neatly summarised everything into one table.

