Saturday, 25 May 2013

WEEK 8 - A super-woman?

This week was really chaotic. On the one hand the completion of the first draft of the report, the deadlines of the tasks and discussions, on the other hand, end-of-year examinations at school keep me extremely busy! On top of that my 3-year-old daughter constantly asks for my undivided attention!
I feel I need more time to absorb everything I'm exposed to in this course. I'm rushing and what I get is just a glimpse of what is out there to explore!
I created a Nicenet class site (
) to engage my students more in the next school year. I'm planning to enrich it with tasks and topic discussions during the summer break when I'll have time to organize things.
I also did my very first Webquest which I included in my project plan.
I learned about various online tools for teachers and will explore more ANVILL and its possibilities. That's all for now.


Saturday, 18 May 2013

WEEK 7 - Full Steam Ahead

We are all working towards the completion of our projects or project plans (like me) which are due to be read by our peers next week! My partner in the peer reading process is Julio. I have started my webquest.

This week we discussed about Learner Autonomy and One-computer classroom! We had a lot of reading to do, which helps us exchange ideas and experiences. I liked the following table as it clearly indicates the behavior and the characteristics of autonomous learning!

I'm also including the following slide from this webpage, I find really true.

We also worked with PADLET/WALLWISHER, a powerful, intriguing tool which works as a Wall or real-time wiki. People can post pictures, thoughts, videos, presentations, share ideas and create something together!

Sunday, 12 May 2013


This week's task was the most challenging for me. I didn't have enough time to try a lot of things regarding interactive PowerPoint presentations. My laptop where I keep my work stopped working today and I don't know if I would be able to upload the PowerPoint I have created in time.

Regarding my final project, I have to follow the plan rather than the teaching project since exam period begins in a week and I can't possibly implement my ideas. As I have written in nicenet the previous week, I intend to create a web quest for improving my students' presentation skills and their fluency. Towards that direction, I think it is a good idea to direct them into watching two different successful presentations, one with the aid of technology (let's say using powerpoint or prezi) one without. While watching the presentations they can fill in a chart I will give them with DO's and DON'Ts  of good presentations. Then in pairs, discuss their ideas and share with the whole class. I also plan to implement K-W-L chart which I learned last week!
That's all for the time being.


Sunday, 5 May 2013

WEEK 5- My thoughts on Alternative Assessment, PBL, Webquests, Rubrics

What I realized this week is that during the years I have been teaching and trying to evolve professionally I have tried several things which I haven't formally been taught. Now, thankfully through this great course I'm attending, I am guided on how to employ and implement web tools into my teaching.
Rubistar was a discovery for me as well. I haven't created rubrics before and I think that it will help my students realize more specifically what I expect from them.
Webquests was something I had only heard of but now I think I am starting to have a clearer idea about it. Once I try it out, I'm positive that my students would love it and benefit from it.
As far as PBL is concerned, I'm quite familiar with it and really enthusiastic whenever I use it in my classes, which is quite often.
When it comes to Alternative Assessment, I came across some practical ideas while studying the suggested articles. Here is a nice link:
I am definitely going to insert K-W-L charts (what I know/what I want to know/what I've learned)  strategy to enable me to gain an awareness of students' background knowledge and interests and assess the content material learned.


We celebrate EASTER today and we say "HAPPY EASTER" in the Orthodox church!